Yukari Ishii, CEO of Lincqord, has given a lecture at GLOBIS.

Title of the lecture
“Learn about cultural dimensions and develop your Cultural Intelligence (CQ)”


◆CQ (Cultural Intelligence)
CQ is the capability to function and relate effectively in culturally diverse situations.
In the era of global management, CQ serves as a framework for thinking and acting as a leader in culturally diverse environments.
CQ is a capability that anyone can develop and enhance. Leading companies and organizations, such as Google, Starbucks, Coca Cola, Harvard University, and the US Army Special Forces, have adopted measures to develop CQ.

◆Movie contents
・What is CQ?
・What is the cultural dimension of Japan?
・How do Japanese people look to the eyes of foreigners, especially Indian people?
・What does it mean for foreigners to live in Japan?

00:00 Introduction
00:35 About Lincqord
05:33 What is CQ (Cultural Intelligence Quotient)?
18:04 What is the cultural dimension of Japan? What are the six dimensions of Hofstede cross-cultural model?
40:40 How do Japanese people look to the eyes of foreigners, especially Indian people?
45:53 What does it mean for foreigners to live in Japan? Experience of being discriminated in Japan
59:49 Japanese culture proneness to discrimination
01:03:30  Q&A session

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